Here are five herbs that help you lose weight
Working all day in a gym and sweating to die? Count calories every minute with weird apps? Think again, here are the plants that will prevent you from aggravation and the burden of extra pounds
Because weight loss is an action that combines many body systems, some of which are “broken”, balancing them with herbs is necessary and effective. Here are the plants you should (but really) hold in the pantry:
Origanum syriacum (hyssop)
The leaves and the mixture of hyssop are recommended for regular use to help the body in the process of weight loss. The hyssop mixture is effective because it contains a flush that helps to break down and digest meat, as well as sesame, whose seeds provide important energy for the body to burn fats.
The moss leaves support the digestive system, stimulate, disinfect and constitute an important key throughout the slimming process. The moss belongs to the category of aromatic plants and plants that improve blood flow. Other aromatic plants that can be used are thyme and zeta, and plants that improve circulation are rosemary, hawthorn and iodine. These plants, like moss, lead the blood to desired places and increase body metabolism.
Directions: The main use is as an addition to cold foods such as salads and spreads. It is also possible to drink the leaves of the desert as a decision. It is recommended to combine the moss found with other aromatic plants such as thyme, chamomile and preserves.
Dandelion root
This herb is known as a cleansing plant that supports the liver. Dandelion root helps in all digestive processes and brings good exits. Dandelion root belongs to the category of “draining plants” that clean the body, help the kidneys, liver, lungs and skin. Other plants from the same family are nettle leaves, dandelion leaves, thistle seeds and pansies.
Directions: Apply a teaspoon of roots in a glass of water overnight, in the morning boil the water and roots for 10 minutes, filter and drink. Repeat once a day. The taste is bitter and can therefore be improved with lemon.
Fennel seeds / anise
The seeds of the guard belong to a botanical family called “succulent” because of the way the plant creates a thorn and drops its seeds to the ground. Seeds have the ability to help all the digestive systems, especially good outputs, which are an important key in the process of weight loss. The seeds of the guard help to shrink the muscle in the intestines, help to relieve gastrointestinal infections and relieve gas and abdominal pain. Additional plants from the same family are caraway and coriander.
Directions for use: Seeds have a strong smell and taste, it is recommended to chew them during meals. Also, you can soak a teaspoon of the seeds in a glass of hot water for 5 minutes, filter and drink after meals.
Flaxseed / psyllium husks – Linum usitatissimum or – Linum Pubescens
In nature, the seeds wrap themselves in fibers so that they will swell and hold the water in germination processes. The fibers are not absorbed in the bloodstream and their presence serves as a buffer between the lining of the intestine and food components, helping to regulate the absorption of components such as fats and sugars.
Eating flaxseeds over time will help the exits, decrease the amount of fats and sugars in the blood and give a feeling of satiety according to the real need. These seeds contain vital fat walls that are needed by our body to burn fats and turn them into energy for our body cells. Other nutritious seeds are sesame and strawberries. Flaxseeds and psyllium husks belong to plants that contain insoluble fibers, which are joined by flax seeds, the ulmus shell, quaker, salvia and oleander.
Directions: It is recommended to crush the seeds, soak them overnight in the water, drink, chew and swallow before each meal.
Roots of Wheatania – Withania Somniferum
The use is only for the roots because the leaves are poisonous! The root of the vitamin affects the adrenal gland and regulates the production of stress hormones. This allows for rest, recovery from metabolic diseases, regular blood supply, balance in the body’s systems, strengthening of the immune system and more. The root of the Vitinia is part of the so-called “adaptogenic” plants, which are joined by Ginseng and Schizandra.
Their effect is mainly on the adrenal glands, and they help to achieve hormonal balance in the body, including the stress hormones, and therefore the obvious advantage of this plant, both emotionally and mentally.
Directions: Place a teaspoonful of whistling root for a whole night in a glass of water. In the morning boil for 10 minutes and drink. Repeat the procedure for several months throughout the slimming process.
The weight loss process is complex and involves many body systems and not just what we put into our bodies. With the exception of the five plants that have been proposed so far, there are several other groups of plants that should certainly be added to your daily diet in general, and during the period of weight control in particular:
bitter Herbs: celery, turmeric, mint and wormwood. These plants increase absorption and movement of the digestive system.
Caffeine-containing plants: This refers to a moderate amount of caffeine, such as green tea. Giving energy, covering up the loss of energy and helping in metabolism.
Plants that influence metabolism: Garcinia fruit shells and thistle seeds. In addition to maintaining the health of the liver as an organ cleanses, filters, produces and stores, some plants may affect the metabolism over time and give the liver the ability to produce fats from carbohydrates, the body will be free to consume fats already exist in the body.
Plants above serotonin levels in the blood: Garcinia, cat nipple and bent nectar, medical verbena and melissa. These plants positively affect the mood and moderate emotional eating.