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May 15, 2018Wall growing with wild plants
May 15, 2018The organic trend in a significant place
The organic trend no longer needs honest advocates. This is the extent to which she has taken a prominent place, that she already has even opponents and slanderers, and there is no better sign of her status.
In the area of gardening, the principles of organic gardening are also known today. In fact, most of these principles have become part of the permanent orders of every gardener:
The importance of adding compost to soil,
Avoiding unnecessary spraying and maintaining active soil (through microorganisms)
Development of hyper-tolerance in the garden,
Preservation of environmental resources that are not unlimited.
While the terminology has changed and everyone is talking about an ecological approach, this term has only stretched the limits of organic gardening.
But what is hidden behind the different terminology only indicates that the concept of horticulture or organic farming has grown and expanded to a great extent and penetrated almost all areas of our lives.
Here perhaps the place to comment on the difference between ecological gardening and sustainable gardening is a significant leap forward because it requires us to use only sustainable plants.
The renunciation of many non-viable ornamental plants (seasonal, short-lived perennials, plants from foreign climates, etc.) is a standard that is not easy to meet and the audience still finds it difficult to adjust to.
Moreover, even the principles of organic horticulture are not adopted in private gardens (and pity) but are usually realized in public enterprises where there is a real need to reduce costs.