seeds of adventure.
It all began when Lilly, Oliver and Pip found a jar full of dormant seeds and an old map. The three brave friends discover a magical secret garden with only the clues they had… It wasn't easy but thanks to wisdom, curiosity and a little bit of luck they found the secret garden and made it magical again. Now, they want to spread the joy and beauty to all forgotten gardens that are waiting for a kid like you. Now it’s YOUR turn to discover the magic!
Remember - now it's your turn to discover the joy of nature! Growing your own garden takes a lot of work and patience, Seeds of Adventures help your kids with these challenges. The kids realize that without their total dedication, the plants won’t survive.

Children Seeds Package
Enjoy a full set of seed packets. From Oliver’s Summer Flower Kit to Lilly’s Smily Radish. Get spicy with Pip’s Jolly Mustard Mix and laugh with Oliver’s Sunny Sunflower. Let your kids be the gardener and choose their favorite plants, colors, and size. All our seeds are organic and high quality. Experience the joys of gardening in your very own home. The perfect gardening kit. A home gardening kit including all that is necessary for managing a small home garden with perfect cultivation results.

Children Seeds Kit
Planter, soil and seeds - that's all you need to become a little gardener and nurture your own garden indoors! Water the seeds and color in the label for a bright and happy celebration! Each kit contains cheeky seeds, soil, a planter and a planter case While waiting for the plants to grow, kids can decorate a special planter case. Decorating the case will keep kids involved while they wait patiently for their plant to grow. The Happy Planters case contains colorful markers A home gardening kit including all that is necessary for managing a small home garden with perfect cultivation results.

Children Seeds Board Game
Where kids are A part of Nature The box sets named Seeds of Adventure contain a variety of organic seeds, games, activities and fun facts about nature. With the help of three lovely characters, Pip, Lilly, & Oliver, the kids get to grow and nurture their own vegetables, flowers, and herbs. While doing this, they use their creativity, knowledge and spend some quality time playing. These days kids spend most of their time indoors, in front of screens and electronics. Seeds of Adventure takes your kid back to nature. Your kids will learn how the sun, fresh air, water, and soil are all essential parts of our circle of life. Growing your own garden takes work and patience. Seeds of Adventure helps your kids learn these skills while having a good time